How to sell or buy a real estate

The safest way to buy or sell a property is to do it through an intermediary. Clients, sometimes, have doubts how to find the right agency for one of the most important deal in their lives.

If you don’t know who to turn to, when you are selling or buying a property, we are inviting you to come and visit us in our office, because we are successfully running this business for almost three decades.

The obligation of each intermediary is to conclude a mediation contract with the client to whom he provides the service. Please read it before signing and let us know of possible ambiguities.

We are offering you a possibility of signing the EXCLUSIVE MEDIATION CONTRACT that implicates the status of privileged client. Such a client has its own agent, who is completely dedicated to exclusive property selling, which with maximum advertising, leads to quick and safe realization with maximum price accomplished.

Obligations of the buyer and the seller

The buyer

The buyer is obliged to sign The Confirmation of the performed viewing, to the agent presenting the property, as well as to show him the ID. This is a direct consequence of the implementation of the provisions of the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, whose bonds and brokers are in the circulation and lease of immovable property.

The mediator is obliged to:
  1. Identify the customer's identity
  2. Check customer identity based on documents, data or information obtained from reliable and credible sources (Article 7).
The acts and measures referred to in Article 7 of this Law are performed by the taxpayer (namely the intermediary) when establishing a business relationship (Article 8).

The first thing a buyer who raises a loan to buy a real estate needs to do is to talk to an advisor at his bank to know the amount of credit he can count on. This is very important information for the buyer's agent, so that he can make a realistic plan for looking at the relevant real estate.

The buyer is obliged to bring an excerpt from the marriage registrar's marriage certificate (if married) or a birth certificate (if not married) to the contracting authority, due to the obligation of the notary public to determine whether the property being purchased will be a joint property spouses, or special property of the buyer.

The most common amount of the down payment is 10% of the agreed price, although the clients can arrange otherwise, and the buyer usually pays this amount after the transfer of the pre-contract, in cash or through the account.

The buyer is obliged to pay the purchase price, in the manner and at the time stipulated by the Purchase Agreement.

The Buyer has a deadline of 30 days, from the date of the certification of the Contract, to submit the application and accompanying documentation, to determine the tax on the transfer of absolute rights, exemption from this obligation or for VAT refund. The same deadline applies to the registration of property tax.

It is customary for the buyer to pay the public notary and transfer funds to the bank from his account to the seller's account.

The seller

The seller is obliged to settle all utility bills and property taxes and to provide evidence to the buyer before the certification of the contract.

It is recommended that the seller opens an account in the buyer's bank to minimize the cost of transferring money.
The seller is obliged to authenticate the Payment Statement (clausula intabulandi) after the validation of the Purchase Agreement and payment of the purchase price, without which the buyer can not register his property right.

After the payment, the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with all original documents related to the property he has sold to him, certificates of paid utility bills and property tax, as well as the keys to the sold property.

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